Ambrosia Revenue Gaúcha
Ambrósia is a very old egg candy, of the colonization times, with influence of convent sweet. To prepare this egg dessert, you only need seven ingredients, two of them are spices, and that give an incredible taste. Check out the Revenue from Ambrósia Gaúcha that we offer in Specialfood, and try it out!
Ingredients to make Ambrosia Gaucho:
6 Egg units at room temperature
1 liter of milk (preferably fresh or integral)
250 milliliters of water
500 grams of sugar
1 small lemon unit
3 cloves units
1 cinnamon stick
How to make Ambrosia Gaucho:
The first step of Ambrosia Gaúcha is to prepare a sugar syrup. For this to light to low heat 1 cup of sugar measurement and, when melting, add the water slowly. When boiling, turn off the fire and reserve.
Then bring a large pan with the lemon juice and milk. As soon as you start boiling, the milk will cut by lemon acid action, but that's what you want. When grumbles, as in the photograph, add the beaten eggs and mix gently.
Tip: It is preferable to use fresh milk in this recipe, the one that is sold in plastic sachets in the markets, as it carts more easily.
Add to the mixture of Ambrosia Gaucho the remaining sugar, carefully not to undo the lumps. When boiling again, add the sugar syrup, the carnations and the cinnamon stick and mix. Let cook on low heat for about 1h30, without messing up.
When the Ambrosia Gaucho is well cut, dark and with cooked aspect, turn off the heat, remove the cinnamon stick and the little clips and let it cool. Then book in the refrigerator and sirva icy. Enjoy your food!
Tip: Hey, what did you think of this recipe? Leave your comment!
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